Divi Construction

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Our Services

Building Construction

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Foundation Work

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Tear-downs & Haul-offs

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Site Management

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Dear {{first_name}},

Thank you for contacting {{brand_company_name}} and choosing us for your freelance web designers. 

As we previously discussed, you are looking for an experienced designer to do high-quality work and make you look good online.

{{brand_company_name}} is proficient in building long-term, collaborative relationships with clients and offers ongoing support for all the necessary adjustments and updates.


During our last meeting, you mentioned your main objective is to increase the number of visits and leads coming through the website. 

The plan to achieve it is by doing the following:

  • Building mobile-friendly, lead-generating, WordPress website.
  • Providing on-site SEO audits to help you get found on the major search engines.
  • Creating a visually attractive website with interesting and engaging content.

Many web agencies are losing their touch while keeping up with every single one of the new tools out there. We are not working with  Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. We are working in WordPress only, and we are the best at it.

In the next few chapters, we will explain further the details of our plan and how to achieve the mentioned objectives.